Going Through Divorce At Holidays: Tips For Getting Through A Difficult Time

The holidays can be a terrible time to go through a divorce. Many people experiencing a divorce at the end of the year go through despair and various stages of grief. These tips will help you take care of yourself, maintain good spirits and keep your divorce on track.

Spend Time with Loved Ones 

Wallowing in negative emotions may sound easier than spending your holiday with relatives, but it's important to have a support network at this emotional time of year. You don't have to go to every family function, but plan to spend time with the people who care about you. This will help you avoid thinking about holidays in previous years, and the routine of your old life.

Take Time for Self Care

Feeling better in your body can help you feel better in your mind and spirit. Find new ways to relax and take care of your physical self. Here are a few things you can try:

  • Yoga or meditation
  • Running and exercising
  • Eating extra healthy
  • Getting a massage

Be sure to get enough sleep at this time of year, as well. Remember: the holidays coincide with cold and flu season, which means that it's easier to get sick. Getting sick can make you feel more hopeless and sad, so do what you can to avoid illness and keep your body in shape.

Make New Traditions, Keep Some Old Favorites

It's very likely that it won't be possible to go through all your old favorite traditions without your spouse. However, you may be able to hang on to some old traditions, or modified versions of those traditions. When trying to make new traditions, ask one or two close friends to join you. This will help you feel supported and may keep your mind off your recent loss.

Give to Others

Volunteering for charities can help you keep your situation in perspective. While this may be a dark time for you, it's important to know that many other people are also going through dark times. You may be experiencing something very different from the people you help, giving back can help you feel less isolated and more productive.

Maintain Contact with Your Divorce Attorney

Your divorce attorney can be your greatest ally at this difficult time. Stay in contact with your attorney, especially if you have questions about how to divide your holiday decorations, how to share time with your children and what to do if you and your husband should run into one another at an event for a mutual friend. Maintaining contact with your attorney will help you avoid missteps that could negatively affect your divorce proceedings. For more information and suggestions for getting through the holidays, contact your divorce attorney like one from Grenadier, Starace, Duffett & Keisler, PC.
