What To Do If You Get Injured In Your Apartment Complex

There are various ways that you could get injured while at your apartment complex. If the walkways or parking lots aren't kept in good condition, then you could trip and fall. If someone mops one of the common areas and does not put up a "wet floor" sign, then you could slip and fall. If a neighbor's dog is running around loose in the apartment complex, then it could bite you. Regardless of how you get injured while in your apartment complex, you could be wondering what you should do next. Read More 

Can You Get Alimony?

If you are in the middle of a divorce, you may already be fearful of the way your financial situation is changing. Two really can live cheaper than one, and the effects of a divorce on those who've stayed home to raise a family can be particularly devastating. There is help available, though many people think it's a thing of the past. Read on to learn more about alimony. Why alimony? Read More 

A Guide To Getting Your Divorce

Divorce is a tough thing to deal with no matter how you slice it. However, there's no reason for it to be any more stressful than necessary when you learn the law and follow protocol. By taking advantage of the points in this article, it'll be much easier for you to manage your divorce and split from your spouse with your rights, dignity, and finances intact.  #1: Know your rights and the process of filing Read More 

Charged For Public Fighting? Help Your Lawyer Prove Your Self-Defense Case

When it comes to defending yourself in criminal court, nothing can be more important than hiring a reliable attorney to represent you. Experienced criminal defense lawyers understand all the red tape that has to be gone through, and know what it takes to win your self-defense case. There are a few things you can do to help your lawyer win your case including: Create a Photo Diary One of the most effective ways to prove that you were acting out of self-defense when you were charged with a crime is to create and maintain a photo diary that visually shows the injuries you incurred and how your recovery progresses as time goes on. Read More 

Re-Visiting Visitation And Custody Agreements For Teenagers

Your meticulously-planned visitation and custody arrangements that have worked so well for several years may come into question when your minor child reaches their teen years. It's only natural that as children grow and change, the agreement that covered a young immobile child is simply not going to work as well for a teen with a burgeoning social life and a desire for independence. It should be comforting for parents to know that these agreements can always be altered, so read on to learn more about changing up your agreement to better suit your teenager. Read More